Heartbreaking Wish List Reveals Horrific Ordeal of Oklahoma Boy

Heartbreaking Wish List Reveals Horrific Ordeal of Oklahoma Boy

A heartbreaking handwritten list from a young Oklahoma boy has shed light on the harsh reality of child abuse. The list, shared by the non-profit organization Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, details the basic necessities the boy desperately craves in a new home.

The boy, whose name is withheld to protect his privacy, entered the foster care system after enduring years of abuse and neglect from his alcoholic parents. According to Dreamcatchers, the child never experienced love, proper nutrition, or a stable environment.

A neighbor, noticing the concerning conditions at the boy’s home, alerted social services. After police intervention, Dreamcatchers took over the boy’s care and began the search for a loving, forever family.

The list, titled “Things I Want in My Family,” lays bare the boy’s harrowing experiences. It includes basic needs most take for granted, such as “food and water,” “a house with running water and lights,” and “clean clothes.”

The list also reveals the emotional scars left by his past. He pleads for a family that “don’t hit on me,” “don’t fight,” and “don’t get drunk.” The boy’s yearning for stability is evident in his desire for “no drugs” and a “clean house.”

Even the simplest comforts are coveted. He wishes for “love,” “a tv in the house,” and “my own comb and soap.” The list poignantly mentions a wish to “keep my school stuff” and “nice shoes,” highlighting the normalcy he desperately seeks.

The heartbreaking simplicity of the list has resonated deeply with people online. Many have expressed outrage that a child should even need to write such a list, with comments highlighting that these are basic necessities all children deserve.

Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is using this stark reminder to raise awareness about child abuse and the importance of recognizing the signs. The organization offers resources and support for those who suspect a child might be suffering.

“This list is a stark reminder that we should never take the things we have for granted,” said a spokesperson for Dreamcatchers. “It’s a call to action for all of us to be vigilant and report suspected abuse.”

The good news is that Dreamcatchers has found a loving family for the boy. The organization remains hopeful that this new chapter will provide him with the love, stability, and sense of security he so desperately needs.

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